Don Ericson

A couple=
of staff members from Don Ericson have been calling Susan Trumbauer for as=
sistance with PDS. Susan has helped them as she can but since she doesn&#82=
17;t have access to their system she is unable to do very much for them. Su=
san stated that they have a new accounting person who needs a lot of help a=
nd had several questions about the system. It seems her questions were most=
ly GL related. It sounds like the owner of the company really likes Susan a=
nd so he keeps advising his team to contact her. Susan has instructed them =
to contact us but said that because they have new employees they don’=
t really know what to do or who to talk to. 


I’ve recently =
been in contact with their IT guy and with Alanna to discuss the upgrade qu=
ote I recently sent them. They have agreed to upgrade but we’re still=
working out some of kinks and questions they have.


Can someone please c=
ontact Sue at Don Ericson and help answer her questions? It sounds like we =
need to take them under our wing and help them out.


Thank you,

